MPA Generation MIX

Encouraging meaningful dialogue by leveraging the unique strengths of members representing diverse generational experiences.
Why Generation MIX?
“Talking about my generation”
The MPA is committed to creating a working and learning environment which is inclusive of all age groups. We would like to encourage meaningful dialogue by leveraging the unique strengths of members representing diverse generational experiences.
Our music publishing workforce is now spanning five generations:
Silent Generation/Traditionalist (born before 1945)
Baby Boomer (1945-1965)
Gen X (1966-1980)
Millennial or Gen Y (1981- 1996)
Gen Z (1997 – 2012)Generational diversity has immense potential. People from different generations can grow and learn from one another as they are exposed to one another’s ideas and experiences. The new perspectives they gain can inspire new ideas and encourage new ways of working. This is also beneficial for their organisation as it supports retention, career advancement and improved employee morale. A multi-generational network facilitates diversity of thought, which leads to increased creativity and innovation.
Different generations can sometimes find it difficult to find similarities with each other because of their own bias and unwillingness to overcome the generational gap. A study carried out in 2011 found that ‘intergenerational cohesion’ is one of the top 3 workplace risks. The study highlighted how different generations can find it difficult to understand each other’s working styles and how personal bias and a tendency to put others in categories based on age, along with the associated ageist assumptions prevents them from seeing the value in connection. It is these biased assumptions and stereotypes that separate different generations and keeps them from interacting, getting to know one another and benefiting from the relationships. Younger colleagues assume things about their older colleagues and vice versa.
Bridging the generation gap will occur when we are willing to learn from each other and understand that we do not always have all the answers. It is when we are willing to reach out to others and build personal connections; to understand who they are, their challenges and their goals, that barriers disappear and similarities are discovered.
The Generation MIX Employee Network will explore diversity through a generational ‘lens’ and promote generational diversity as a necessary component of an inclusive modern working environment by raising awareness, understanding and encouraging meaningful dialogue between its members whatever their age.
What is it about and who can join?
The Network is open to all MPA Member employees, including those of us working at the MPA. It is also open to allies.
Please note that any personal information discussed during the meetings is confidential and is not minuted.
Some of the key issues to be covered by the Network will include:
- Providing a supportive, open environment to network and socialise with their colleagues.
- Providing a safe place for members to raise issues and concerns about age-related issues and concerns, including discrimination.
- Raising awareness, sharing knowledge and contributing to the understanding of shared experiences and individual experiences of members from different generations.
- Challenging negative attitudes and behaviours about age including ageism within the workplace.
- Discussing the social, economic and political climate that has helped shape each generation.
- Exploring the characteristics and dynamics of the generations in the workplace today.
- Driving awareness of generational working styles and preferences.
- Comparing the differences and similarities across generations.
- Promoting greater awareness and understanding of each other. For example, introducing reverse mentoring (when a more junior employee mentors someone more senior than them) in the workplace.
- Looking at age through an intersectional lens and its relationship with other protected characteristics.
- Access to expert speakers, workshops, lunch-and-learn presentations, tips, toolkits, activities and events.
How is the Network hosted?
The Network is hosted on Microsoft Teams, where members can have conversations on Channels, share files and resources and host meetings online. The Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) Team are on hand to help, and to take forward any issues raised by the Network. The Microsoft Teams site is a private group and though there is some degree of visibility when you join (other members can see who you are), we request that members maintain strict confidentiality about its membership and contents.
This Network is supported by the MPA DEI team, but it is not our Network: it is yours. We hope that the Network will be led by you for you. We are currently gathering ideas on how members want to run the Network and what you want to get out of it. Colleagues will have the opportunity to contribute in a variety of ways: for example, through Team Meetings online, Channel discussions via Teams, by email or phone.
Leadership for Generation MIX
Maria Forte Founder, Maria Forte Music Services Ltd., MPA Board member & MPA Generation MIX Champion
Read full statement
Join Now
If you’d like to join the Generation MIX Network, please contact Helen Choudhury via email on the button below.
Join Generation MIX