Gary Bhupsingh, Champion for GenerationMIX and VP at Sony Music Publishing

Our new MPA GenerationMIX Employee Network is focused on creating a working and learning environment which is inclusive of ALL age groups. Generational diversity has immense potential. People from different generations can grow and learn from one another as they are exposed to one another’s ideas and experiences. The new perspectives they gain can inspire new ideas and encourage new ways of working. This is also beneficial for their organisation as it supports retention, career advancement, and improved employee morale. A multi-generational network facilitate diversity of thought, which leads to increased creativity and innovation.

Our GenerationMIX Employee Network will be a safe place for members of it to discuss topics, share best practices, share experiences and concerns, celebrate events, raise awareness on issues and challenges faced by different age groups and to provide feedback to the MPA Head of DEI and the Champion for GenerationMIX. All of this engagement and input will help the MPA positively influence the Music Publishing Sector’s awareness and strategies to assure a safe, welcoming, well-maintained and inclusive industry in which to work.

Introducing Gary Bhupsingh…
My name is Gary Bhupsingh.  I am Vice President of UK Administration at Sony Music Publishing (“SMP”).  After 10 years in various roles at PRS, I joined SMP in 1997, initially as our first Income Tracker and since then heading up UK Administration.  I have always been hugely passionate about music and to this day cannot believe that I get to work in such a wonderful industry and with some of the greatest songwriters of all time.  I am proud to represent both SMP and the industry, this is an extremely competitive market and at a time where the digital landscape keeps changing.  There’s a lot for us to do in keeping up, staying ahead of the trends and ensuring the collection societies do their best for our writers.

At the same time, we as individuals need to consider how we represent our organisations on behalf of the writers and to ensure that we are being as inclusive and equitable as we can be.  To that end, I am absolutely committed.  I turned 50 just before the pandemic and now on the other side of lockdown, I feel surprised that I am now seen as ‘old’.  Well, if I am having issues with 35 years of experience behind me, how do others trying to break into or restart within our industry feel?  I think this is a very interesting journey and I hope that I can help make some inroads into the barriers that exist and try to break those down.

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