Rachel Lindley



“I’m Rachel Lindley and I’m Director of Music Publishing at Oxford University Press, where we publish choral, classical and educational music. I started my career editing publications at Wise Music back in 2006 after studying Music and then Law, teaching music in a school and working in a music shop. During my career, I’ve been predominantly in the printed music sector, but I also launched music education platforms and worked within book publishing. I’m motivated by playing a part in amplifying the reach of fantastic composers, inspiring excellence in the next generation of musicians, and enabling more people to enjoy making and experiencing music, whatever their background or personal circumstances. I’m currently on the board of directors of the MPA, Chair of PMLL and a trustee of London Choral Sinfonia.

I’m proud to be Champion for Faith and Belief as I know that, for a person of faith or who has been brought up in a faith, it is intrinsically linked to their identity, communities and social networks. Regardless of what any of us believe at any given moment, faith and belief influence the choices we make, give us unique perspectives, and can also bring challenges to navigate. I believe we become stronger by knowing more people who are different to us, so my hope is that in this network, people of all faiths or none can chat, learn from one another and feel supported.”