MPA Observes World Humanitarian Day | 19 August 2024

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By Arabella Hoy


Reading Time: 3 minutes

As we observe World Humanitarian Day, we honour those who, through dedication and bravery, ensure people in crises across the world have support and aid. The relentless sacrifices, advocacy and efforts are inherent in providing aid for those who need it as well as fostering peace and solidarity. As a society, we can uphold these values of humanitarianism to ensure a better future for all.

On 19 August 2003, in Baghdad, Iraq, 22 aid workers were killed in a bomb attack including, Sergio Vieira de Mello, the chief humanitarian. Sergio dedicated 30 years of his life to aid work and believed in bringing a humanitarian view to wars, focusing on the innocent lives who struggled to survive and were caught in conflicts they had no desire to be part of. In 2009, the United Nations General Assembly adopted 19 August as World Humanitarian Day. Each year, it is commemorated to pay tribute to all the aid and health workers who have been killed, injured, or continue to provide life-saving support and protection to people who need it most. It highlights the positive impact and importance of humanitarian work.

Theme and work of a Humanitarian
Each year there is a theme for World Humanitarian Day. This year it is #NoMatterWhat: Humanitarians Deliver. The theme emphasises the unhesitating commitment and perseverance of humanitarian workers that provide support and critical assistance to vulnerable populations, regardless of what may face them. They often work in dangerous and challenging environments, tirelessly showing courage and dedication to deliver life saving aid and assistance to those most in need.

Humanitarian work is imperative to those who are affected by crises, whether this be natural disaster, conflict or other emergencies. They provide life-saving assistance to people impacted by crises worldwide. Those in conflict zones and natural disaster areas are particularly vulnerable. Some of the key aspects of humanitarian aid include:

  • Delivering emergency aid and assistance to those in need.
  • Assisting in rebuilding communities.
  • Maintaining human dignity.
  • Advocating for the rights and needs of affected populations.

Those in humanitarian roles aim to promote human welfare and social reforms, holding no discrimination regarding human suffering on the grounds of religion, gender, sexuality or territory. A humanitarian’s primary focus is to save lives, relieve suffering and maintain human dignity by helping those in need.

Significance of World Humanitarian Day
World Humanitarian Day is a day to express appreciation for the work of humanitarian workers. It is an opportunity to raise awareness about continuous challenges faced by at-risk communities in the world.  No singular organisation or country can solve the humanitarian crises across the globe, so it is time for collective action from governments, businesses and individuals to show their commitment to helping those in need. This is a time to come together show our support to the humanitarian workers, and the people they are supporting, while also recognising that we all have a role to play in ensuring we make the world a better place.

How to get involved

There are a variety of ways to get involved this World Humanitarian Day, including:

  • Donating to humanitarian charities and organisations – there are numerous charities across the world in need of resources. This could be donating time or money, which can go a long way in keeping charities running and supporting those who need it.
  • Humanitarian work in your community – you don’t always need to go far afield to do some humanitarian work. The essence of humanitarian work is helping those who are suffering and maintaining human dignity. This could be volunteering at a foodbank or local shelter.
  • Workshops, seminars and discussions – focused on humanitarian principles and challenges. One seminar coming up is from MESA, which gathers and shares knowledge to catalyse research and inform decisions responding to the needs of malaria endemic countries. AMP & UN Foundation World Humanitarian Day Malaria Focused Webinar – MESA (


World Humanitarian Day- August 19th, 2024 | UNESCO Body & Mind Wellness Club (
World Humanitarian Day | United Nations
World Humanitarian Day – 2024 (
World Humanitarian Day 2024 (19th August), Theme & History (

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Helen Choudhury
Head of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
[email protected] 

Mandy Feighery
D & I Officer
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