Publisher Membership

All genres, all sizes, from Glasgow to Truro - our publisher members represent the depth and breadth of the UK industry.

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Shape the future of music publishing

There’s strength in numbers. We encourage all members to actively participate in our work and ensure that it represents our full community.

Why become a Publisher Member?

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Policy & Outreach

As well as safeguarding and championing the interests of our members, the MPA aims to promote the value of publishing to the wider music industry, creative industry, government and public.

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Resources & Support

We provide our members and the public with information regarding licensing, publishing and copyright, while our 10 DEI Employee Networks help foster an inclusive community.

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Network & Knowledge

The MPA provides expert-led training and professional development courses and connects the next generation of music publishers with current business leaders.

Membership Benefits

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A Collective Voice

For all UK music publishers, from newcomers to seasoned executives, we equip our members to thrive in a fast-paced commercial environment.

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Benefit from the MPA’s lobbying efforts and participation in current, industry-wide initiatives that protect the value of our members’ rights. Join an MPA Committee or have your say by voting at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).

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Exclusive networking opportunities at MPA events, including the MPA Christmas Lunch, MPA AGM and Summer Party, plus year-round member socials and quizzes.

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Expert-led training and professional development courses putting the spotlight on all areas of music publishing; copyright, royalties, sync, societies, legal issues, data and digital.

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Business Services

Commercial benefits, including exclusive access to template contracts, free 20-minute legal advice and mediation service.

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Discounts on our ticketed events (including all training courses and the MPA Christmas Lunch), music-related events (e.g., conferences) and trade missions in the UK and internationally.

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Exclusive Content

Find out what’s happening in the industry via our member’s monthly newsletter and exclusive online content.

Eligibility, Fees & Participation

MPA Publisher Membership is designed for companies that are registered UK music publishers or who have a music publishing arm of an established music company.
All MPA Publisher Membership applications are submitted via an online form and sent to the MPA Board for consideration. The MPA Board maintains the right to request supporting documentation.

Criteria for MPA Publisher Membership:
- Registered with MCPS and/or PRS
- Can demonstrate a generated income from music publishing
- Are not exclusively self-publishing and/or represent more than one writer/artist
- Must have a UK-registered office

All MPA Publisher Membership subscriptions are for the period 1 January to 31 December, paid on an annual subscription basis, with the fee determined by company turnover. Click the link below to view membership fees for the current year. Our Board reviews applications upon submission, so your membership may not start immediately from the date you apply. As a membership organisation, our members are obliged to follow our Code of Conduct and membership is defined by our Articles of Association.

As a membership organisation, our members are obliged to follow our Code of Conduct and membership is defined by our Articles of Association.

Access Application Form View Membership Fees 2024

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Recognising our members

The MPA bestows its Gold Badge and other awards to recognise the achievements of our members.

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Corporate Associates & Sponsors

If you’re looking for exposure and access to our music publishing community, please consider our Associate and Sponsor partnership packages.

Thinking about joining?

We recommend discussing our membership options with our team before you submit an application to join us. Chat to our membership team at your convenience by registering your interest.

Arrange a call

Not the membership for you?

NXT-Gen Membership