MPA Celebrates International Women’s Day 2024


Reading Time: 7 minutes

Check out below quotes on ‘inspiring inclusion’ from our MPA colleagues, board members and guest speakers.

In March we celebrate Women’s History Month in the UK, which celebrates the women in history and raises awareness of the contributions women made to society. Not only that, we also celebrate annually International Women’s Day on 8 March. The day is celebrated globally and aims to recognise women’s achievements, encourage others to advocate for gender equality and raise awareness.

In 1909, around 15,000 women took to the streets of New York, protesting long work hours, low pay and the lack of voting rights in New York City. It was originally called National Woman’s Day, the historic annual celebration spread across the world (officially celebrated in 1911). In 1975 the United Nations officially recognised International Women’s Day and in 1996, began to adopt an annual theme for every year. The first theme was “Celebrating the Past, Planning for the Future.”

Theme for this year
There is an annual theme and this years is #InspireInclusion, which focuses on imagining a gender-equal world, free of bias, discrimination and stereotypes.
The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.”  Gloria Steinem, world renowned feminist, journalist and activist.

We asked our board members, colleagues and guest speakers, ‘what does inspiring inclusion mean to you?’ Check out their quotes below.

Trudy Howson
LGBT Poet Laureate, Human Rights Campaigner and former Actress

Natasha Pattenden
MPA Board Member, Champion for MPA Family Employee Network
Chief Operating Officer at 235 Music Publishing Ltd
“As a woman of colour, it’s particularly important to me to inspire inclusion as an example to my young children. Women have long been treated as the lesser sex across many industries and whilst society has come a long way, there is always more than can be done. I want my daughter to feel that she has the right to the same salaries and promotions as her male counterparts and for my son to also fully appreciate the importance of eliminating gender bias. I want for their lives and careers to be equal, bias free and all inclusive and hope that they see me as an encouraging role model.”

Abi Adams
Speaker, Emotional Liberator and Founder of Project Woman
“Inclusivity is the opportunity to celebrate our differences and how by joining forces we are greater together instead of separate or trying to force ourselves into one belief. So for women to be fully included in the world we need Period health education and support where the TMI face is a thing of the past in schools and businesses. Where flexible working is available for periemnopausal women going through debilitating symptoms so they don’t have to worry about getting into work and menopausal women have the opportunity to change roles and diversify their skills, not because they don’t have the capability, but because their needs have changed and they want to take a different route.
Let’s move out of the victim mode and blame culture and start looking forward toward a greater future, together, sharing this space called life by making health an integral and accessible asset to it’s business plan. This would include education and experiences that refresh the communication and habits to not only female health but all health. Because when one gender is out of balance, all genders are out of balance. 

This is not just about celebrating women, it’s about celebrating a greater future where everyone is welcome, just as they are.”

Remi Harris and Tamara Gal-On
Trainer, Speaker, Writer and Coach. Owner of Remi Harris Consulting
Co-Founders, Music Leaders Network
“We inspire inclusion by supporting women to articulate the value of the work they do, make it more visible and develop their own style of leadership which plays to their strengths.”

Meredith Brown
Menopause trainer, Consultant and Founder of Menopause 51
“A really important part of inclusion is cultural understanding and appreciation. I would encourage people to be mentored by someone who is from a different background to them. To walk in someone else’s shoes and be open to new insights, perspectives and the challenges that they face both inside and outside of the workplace. It is a gift that can really open your eyes and change the way you think.”

Helen Calvert
The No Bullsh*t Coach of The No BS Coach Ltd
(Home – Clear Day (
“By meeting people where they are and working with who they are, rather than trying to fit them into pre-existing boxes. No matter what you have been through, what you are experiencing, or what you want out of life, I won’t pretend to know your story. Just because X, Y and Z are a part of your experience doesn’t mean you fit into a template. You are unique, just like me, and your life will be just as messy and complicated and rich in experiences that only you have had.

There is no template for our stories.
There is no template for my coaching.
Bring me your life and I will coach you to get out of it what you want.
No preconceptions.
No bullsh*t.”

Esta Rae
Events & Production Manager
No Limit Management/AIM
“Inclusion is no longer a buzzword, it’s about making sure the representation exists across the world, inclusion for me means a sense of belonging exists and that creates confidence, results, empowerment and more in a woman. All of the inspiring skills that women have are seen more when inclusion is present. Us being seen and heard is important.”

Abigail Hirshman
Consultant, Abigail Hirshman Consulting Ltd
“As a mother of two daughters and an advocate for mental health and wellbeing at work, I am passionate about ensuring the issues and challenges facing women in the workplace are highlighted and addressed. Despite years of ‘equality’ there are far fewer women in positions of power, relative to their overall number in the workplace. My role is to help address the systemic challenges within organisations, to ensure that women are not undermined or prevented from realising their potential and can contribute in a way that benefits the workplace, themselves and wider society.”

Eunice Obianagha
Head of Diversity, UK Music
“Reminding and encouraging other women of their unique gifts and how they bring value to the world.”

Ornella Nsio
Chief Policy & Public Affairs Officer, MPA
“Inclusion begins and ends with leadership. To foster an inclusive environment, we must have strong leaders who understand that inclusion not a buzz word but a necessary action to maintaining diversity.”

Arabella Hoy
Marketing & Communications Manager, MPA
“When thinking about my role in both the MPA and the wider industry, helping to raise awareness of various initiatives designed to improve access to opportunities for women in music through the power of our communications channels, I hope helps to inspire inclusion. It is comforting to see initiatives across the sector open up to both develop entry-level talent and elevate women to C-suite roles. We are lucky to be an industry with so many outstanding role models.”

Emily Bevington
MCPS Project Delivery Manager, MPA
“I am fortunate to work alongside inspiring women from all areas of the music business in my role; from within the MPA team, to the directors of the MCPS Board through to leaders across the wider publishing community, all contributing to fostering a positive and inclusive industry to be a part of.”

Mandy Feighery
Diversity & Inclusion Officer, MPA
“During my career to date, 90% of my managers have been women, I feel like this has inspired me to strive for more within my career. Being new to the music industry, I hope to bring some of the knowledge I have gained from these fantastic women, support with improving the opportunities available to women in the industry and amplify their voices.”

How to get involved
There are several ways to celebrate and get involved you can attend a virtual event, share famous quotes on social media, empower the women in your lives by supporting them in their ambitions and careers, fundraise for female-focused charities and by listening to them because we all have our story to tell.

IWD: International Women’s Day 2024 campaign theme is ‘Inspire Inclusion’ (
Famous British Women | Britain Visitor – Travel Guide To Britain (
Black women in Britain — Google Arts & Culture
British Asian women – Women’s History Network (

Discover more about our MPA Employee Networks including:

MPA Gender+
An inclusive space for people of all gender identities to promote equal opportunities for people of all genders in the workplace and encourage engagement with questions on gender equality.

MPA M3 (Menopause, Menstruation, Miscarriage)
Serving colleagues impacted by menopause, menstruation, miscarriage and related health matters, whether personally, through a family member or friend, or as an ally.

Contact [email protected] for more information and to join.

For any further information, please contact the DEI Team:

Helen Choudhury
Head of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
MPA Champion for Menopause
Mental Health First Aider
[email protected]

Amanda (Mandy) Feighery
Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Officer
[email protected]