Culture, Media & Sport (CMS) Committee Report on Creator Remuneration | MPA Statement


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“Having contributed to the inquiry’s evidence sessions, the MPA welcomes the Culture, Media and Sport’s (CMS) latest report on Creator Remuneration. We are particularly pleased to see the committee highlight the positive steps that the industry has taken on the back of the original report. The MPA will continue to work with the CMS Committeethe IPO, DCMSDSIT and our wider industry to tackle the most important agenda items in administering and protecting copyrights while delivering fair value to the composers and songwriters that our publisher members represent.

As an industry which protects and nurtures creators, we welcome the committee’s recommendation that government do more to ensure creators have the proper mechanisms to enforce their consent and receive fair compensation for use of their work by AI developers. As I highlighted during the inquiry’s December oral evidence session, there is a huge black cloud hanging over us in that we do not seem to have been able to make progress with the UK Government or IPO yet on laying down a proper regulatory framework that protects the interests of creators, whether they be musicians, authors or screenwriters. Urgent action on this is needed.

On Creator Remuneration, we look forward to participating actively in the government’s working group, which will no doubt expand upon the progress made to date related to music streaming metadata and the industry’s agreement on a transparency code of practice.”
– Paul Clements, CEO, MPA

You can read the report in full here